Prepaid Instruments MITC

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Satisfied Clients

4 Million Customers


Billion Transactions

Billion Money Transferred


Transaction Every Year

Processing Transaction Every Year


Industrial Experience

25 + Years In Industry
Assistance for Outward Remittance

Global Support in a Range of Languages

Unimoni Customer Helpline and Call Service Call 1800 102 0555, Toll Free number to access free detailed yet simply explained information about our products and services.
We have a presence throughout India and are always available to assist you.

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Protecting you and your money

Every month, our customers trust us to move over 100 million of their money. Here are some of the important ways we protect them.

safeguarded with leading bank

Safeguarded with leading bank

We hold your money with established financial institutions. Saudi separate from our own accounts and in our normal course of business not accessible to or partners

Regulated around the world

Regulated around the world

We are regulated by authorities around the world. This includes the FCA in the UK and the FinCEN in the US

Audited regularly

Audited regularly

We make sure your money is secure and that voice is financially stable as we are not a bank your money isn't FSCS protected instead We safeguard it

Extra secure transactions

Extra secure transactions

We use two factor authentication to protect your account and transactions. That means you - and only you - can get your money

Data protection

Data protection

We are committed to keeping your personal data safe. And we are transparent to how we collect process and storage it

Dedicated anti-fraud team

Dedicated anti-fraud team

We were around the clock to keep your account and money protected from even most sophisticated fraud